
Exploring Agile Coaching and Change Management with Pia Wendelbo

Show Notes for Podcast Episode: Agile Coaching and Change Management with Pia

Episode Title: Exploring Agile Coaching and Change Management in Europe

Guest: Pia Wendelbo, CEO at Scandinavian Change Agents Company

Hosts: Matt and Jeff

Key Topics & Highlights:

Pia’s Background and Journey:

More than 20 years of experience in innovation, product development strategy. Started in software, among the first in Denmark to build content management solutions for websites in the late 1980s. Early adoption of the internet for dynamic content and database integration.

Evolution of Agile Coaching:

Discusses the nuances of agile coaching in Europe, particularly in Scandinavia. Emphasizes the human aspect of digital transformations, focusing on individual and organizational levels. Highlights the need for empathy, understanding human decision-making, and accommodating change at a personal level.

Obstacles in Organizational Change:

Challenges of implementing change in organizations where people are resistant or not given enough space to adapt. Importance of creating an environment conducive to change, giving individuals the necessary space and removing obstacles. Discusses the misconceptions about people’s resistance to change.

Management and Leadership in Change:

The role of management in facilitating change, especially in providing room for employees to adapt. The necessity of reevaluating organizational priorities and projects to accommodate new changes. Discusses the paradox of needing to slow down initially to achieve faster results in the long term.

Agility and Flexibility in Organizations:

The importance of agility and flexibility in adapting to changes and unexpected challenges. The concept of “smooth is slow and slow is fast” in managing change. How organizations often plan agile transformations in a rigid, predictive manner, missing the essence of agility.

Employee Involvement and Empowerment:

Advocates for high employee involvement in change initiatives. The importance of giving teams autonomy and encouraging team dynamics for effective change. Discusses how leaders can foster a culture of openness, trust, and psychological safety.

Techniques for Change Management:

Strategies for helping leaders understand the need for a slower, more deliberate approach to change. Use of scientific and strategic approaches to explain resistance and adaptation to change.

The Human Aspect of Decision Making:

Discusses the dual-process theory of the human brain (System 1 and System 2) in the context of organizational change. How understanding human behavior and decision-making can aid in managing change effectively.

Leadership and Vulnerability:

The role of leadership in acknowledging uncertainty and being open to learning. Encourages leaders to be curious and open-minded, involving themselves directly in team dynamics.

Incentives and Organizational Culture:

Discusses how traditional incentives may not always align with desired outcomes in change management. The shifting priorities and values of the workforce, especially among younger generations. Call to Action: Visit Pia’s website: Scandinavian Change Agents Company Connect with Pia on LinkedIn for further insights on agile coaching and change management.